A Clever Trap for Aquariums

The design is simple but ingenious. The bubble trap by Tank Matez is held in place with a magnet on the other side of the glass. When the fish swims into the baited bubble, pull the magnet away from the glass. This releases the bubble to float to the top. It's designed to right itself so that the fish cannot simply swim away.

There's even a remote system that will automatically trap a fish, so you can leave the trap in place and come back later, once your fish is captured.

-via reddit

Leave ocean living beings alone! Horrible to even think that someone actually thought its a good idea...I mean not for design but what it’s designed for! No thank you! And please people! Getting aquarium for your own pleasure...fishes to look at?! And how many of you succeeded with keeping them alive in there natural state?! They are not designed by nature to stay in glass bubbles you sick fucks!!! Think bigger outside your own little bubbles to actually get a bigger picture and see the outcome of your laziness and greediness!
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Your ignorance is astounding. Your assumptions insulting. Think bigger you say. OK. Millions of tons of garbage go into the oceans on a daily basis. Species go extinct there every day. Is it their natural environment? Sure. Becoming less "natural" all the time. Fish are caught in nets because of man's demand for food. Fish are poisoned because of man's need to cheaply dump chemicals he ceased. Fish migrate into territories they are not designed for all the time because weather paternity and pollution drives them to seek healthier waters. On top of all this breeding grounds up streams are forever being blocked of by dams because of man's out of control population growth and corresponding demands for fresh water reservoirs to be used to flush sewerage and factory effluent into the sea. Maybe you should educate yourself and stop whining about things you know nothing about. These "sick fucks", of which I am proudly one, may well be the only reason your grandchildren get to see many of the already endangered species around the world. Our tanks are pristine. Our conditions free of opportunistic predators and dangerous chemicals or dragnet trawlers or sewerage or indigestible plastic waste. Confined space? Indeed. I'll give you that one. Sadly I cannot change the world alone. I cannot stop mankind's greed or its disregard for the planet that supports us. What I can do is continue giving my fish the best life I can, which I've been doing for many generations going on 35 years and more than 50 tanks. I can associate with like minded people and repopulate otherwise extinct species through captive breeding programs. I can advocate and promote good habits and husbandry of captive bred and kept species so that the next generation gets to see and love them alive and not in a sad book about beautiful creatures that once were abundant but are now threatened at every turn by man's relentless destruction and greed. You want to get on your keyboard pony and gallop into war for a cause and hurl insults, good for you. May I suggest you direct that energy against people that are harming all of us by destroying the planet we live on instead of those that are preserving life, albeit in a manner you are not happy with. My fish live a better life in my tanks than they would have in the wild. They are fed the very best every day which would not happen otherwise. Their water is kept to temperature and their health is closely monitored. Their offspring are sent only to other aquarists with good intentions and release programs are ready to implement when wild stocks are threatened. What exactly are you doing to preserve anything? I'm all ears.
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Fuck yeah Paul! Got'em! Vejas. You should of just took what Paul said as a lesson to know when to keep your mouth shut and mind your fucking business, but no you had to reply. I feel dumber for reading your 2nd reply. The one thing that Paul didn't mention about the video. Trying to net a fish in an aquarium with a net is very stressful on the fish. This ingenious invention makes it less stressful for the fish and in the long run less harmful.
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