Lemmy Has Switched From Whiskey To Vodka...For His Health

Take it from Lemmy, lead singer of Motörhead- clear liquors like vodka are better for your body than the browns like whiskey.

Lemmy has been living a true rock & roll lifestyle for fifty years, living as hard as his lyrics claim, but recent health issues have forced him to leave his beloved whiskey and Coke by the wayside.

Due to gastric distress and dehydration Lemmy must now live the rest of his wild life drinking Screwdrivers instead of Jack & Coke. Lemmy had this to say about the switch “I like orange juice better, so Coca-Cola can f%*k off!”

-Via Dangerous Minds

I had a neighbor who was a fully functioning alcoholic: 24 beers a day for over 40 years, owned three homes outright, ran a very successful business. He got sick from something that had nothing to do with drinking. Doctor cured it but also told him to never drink again.

After six months of fighting mystery illnesses, I told him and his wife hat he needs to go back to beer. Fixed most of his problem in a week. His body had gotten so used to alcohol, that it could not function with out it.
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