Study: You're Most Popular at the Age of 29

(Image: NBC)

How many friends to you have? And by that I don't mean how many people follow you on Facebook. Rather, how many people are in your monkeysphere? How many people outside of your family do you care about and care about you?

According to a recent study, that number peaks at about 80 people and roughly at the age of 29. That's the result of a survey of 1,505 Britons. Among those surveyed, the average person has 64 friends, meeting most of them at work.

The age of 29 is the sweet spot between old relationships from school and new relationships at work. The Independent reports:

The reason for this is because we apparently share the strains of working in high-pressured environments and spend more hours in the office than ever before.

The data also found that those working in marketing have the most friends at work, just ahead of chefs, servicemen and women, artists and designers, and finally those in HR.

-via Glenn Reynolds

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I'd like to know the standard deviation of this. It seems like there are tons of people who would say their teenage years and a lot of older folks who get more friends after they retire or get a divorce.
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