Archive for April 8th, 2014

Poseidon Rex

[] (YouTube link)Move over Sharktopus, there’s a new movie monster in town… or the sea, that is! When treasure hunters dive to the bottom of the Blue Hole, they awakened a...

UPS Delivery Trucks Save 10 Million Gallons of Gas Every Year by Not Making Left Turns

(Photo: zyphbear)Making a left turn on a 2-way street in the United States can take a while. Those few extra seconds add up for a company like UPS, which operates 96,000 trucks. Since 2001, the company has closely exami...

French Bulldog Puppy Argues About Going to Bed

[] But I'm not sleepy, momma! Watch this cute French bulldog puppy argue with its owner about going to bed. So cute! It reminds me of my (actual human) kids' protest every night.french bulldog,...

Disney Princess Batman

"I am elegance. I am the evening. I am Batman!"You may criticize the new Batsuit. But it is a definite improvement over the nipple armor in the movie Batman & Robin. Let us be content with that.Batman is cle...

RIP Archie

The comic series Life With Archie will end soon, with Archie Andrews dying in issue #36, and issue #37 will be the last. Although the details are under wraps, Archie will sacrifice his life "for a dear friend."&...

Ghost Riding the Garbage Truck

Stopping your truck is SO overrated! This garbage truck driver in Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico, created his own version of ghost-riding the whip to jump out of the moving truck, pick up the garbage and toss it to the...

Guess Your Blood Alcohol Level Booth

Rob Cockerham bought a Breathalyzer and went out on St. Patricks Day evening to see if people could guess what their blood-alcohol level was. People were walking by, going to and from bars, and many were curious enough t...

Meet Marutaro, The Cutest Hedgehog in the World

This is Marutaro, a hedgehog in Japan. He has 42,300 followers on Twitter, or roughly 172 times as many as I do. But that's my fault for not being as cute.Yes, Marutaro is clearly the cutest hedgehog on...

The Happiest Place in Dimension X

Technodrome by Manos pd No, sadly that's not the NeatoPlex. It's the happiest place on Dimension X, if you're a foot soldier, that is. Why, it's got 972 rooms and eyeball missile launchers. What more do...

Wilhelm Rodriguez's Portrait Pizzas

Wilhelm Rodriguez is an artist who can fill your belly with awesome art. He's a chef at Papa's Pizza in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico. He can create highly realistic portraits of people both real and imaginary. I love this one...

Mario Is Destroying My House!

(Video Link)It will probably come as no surprise that the moustachioed plumber Mario, who is known for busting blocks, kicking turtles and dramatically altering his DNA with drugs, is not fully housebroken.He&r...

Oh, the Irony! Movie Theater's Showing of Noah is Cancelled due to Flooding

Where's the Ark when you need it? The film Noah just got a tad too real for moviegoers at the Vue Cinema in Exeter, England. According to Exeter's Express & Echo, the theater was sup...

All 5,179 Game Of Thrones Deaths In Under Three Minutes

(Video Link)Game of Thrones is back and bloody as ever, but we’re not here to post spoilers. Instead we’re going to take a look back at all the bloodshed, mayhem, murder and deadly deceptio...

World Record Ferris Wheel Opens in Vegas

The High Roller, a new Ferris wheel in Las Vegas, is 550 feet tall- the tallest “observation wheel” in the world! The wheel is 520 feet in diameter, and each of its 28 cabins can hold 40 passengers for a half...

The Alphabet Sandwich Is an A to Z of Foods between 2 Slices of Bread

A few months ago, gastronomical explorer Nick Chipman of Dude Foods created the McEverything: a combination of all 43 sandwiches available at his local McDonald's. More recently, he created a sandwich that has 26...

Watch The Failed American Remake Of The IT Crowd

(Video Link)(Video Link)Seven years ago NBC created a pilot for the American TV version of The IT Crowd, the hit British comedy produced by C4 that taught us the internet is a little black b...

25 Fun Facts About ALF

The sitcom ALF (Alien Life Form) ran from 1986 to 1990. You might think that a primetime TV series starring a puppet interacting with regular actors seems ridiculous and would never go over today, but that&rsquo...

A Compilation Of Cute Baby Goats Kidding Around

(Video Link)Goats are pretty cute, in a wall eyed, scruffy chinned kinda way, but baby goats, aka kids, are the absolute cutest!They like to prance around, butting heads and ramming into things, and once they s...

The 25 Stages from Courtship to Marriage

Ah, love! At the top, you see the process of courtship when a couple sneaks a kiss on the cheek as soon as Mother falls asleep. Skip ahead to the happiest day of their lives, as you can tell from their facial expressions...

Killer Hands

Friday Killer Hand by SilverBaX Now these are the designs to kill for! NeatoShop artist SilverBax reimagined our favorite horror villains as part of a killer winning hand. A royal flush, of course. Now t...

This Is the End Zone of a High School Football Field

Redditor HasNoPotato is a high school football referee. He posted this photo and wrote "this is what I have to deal with."It's the field of the former football stadium of Taylor High School in North Bend, Ohio. When the...

Congratulations, You’ve Been Drafted!

[] (YouTube link) The Vitória All Saints is a team in Salvador, Bahia, that’s getting Brazilians excited about Futebol Americano one at a time -by putting them in the middle of it!...

Cringe Worthy Instagram Trend - #AfterSex Selfies

(Image Via aftersexselfies)(Image Via efrainmelendez)(Image Via sergeyt1987)#AfterSex selfies are the latest rage in hashtagged, instagrammed TMI pics posted online, and they’re every bit as smoldering as you&rsquo...

This Insane Swedish Chef Is Not What You'd Expect after Watching The Muppet Show

[](Video Link)If you were expecting a somewhat clumsy but friendly cook preparing you food while saying variations of the word "bork," then you're in for a surprise. The Swedish...

The Sustainability Treehouse Reminds Us What's Worth Protecting

While the Boy Scouts are in the news a lot these days for certain conservative policies, their basic values are noble -sustainability, education and respect for example. And their new Sustainability Treehouse in the ...

Interview: Jean Cotton of Making Faces Pottery

Do you like ugly mugs? Jean Cotton is here to provide them. She makes pottery of human faces that are often silly, funny, or terrifying. We featured her work last month. She's kindly agreed to an intervi...

The Nerdy Engineer

[] (YouTube link)Here’s how a nerdy engineer became the most famous man on Earth. And how engineering holds the key to progress in the 21st century. This “Engineering Manifesto&rdqu...

This Millennium Falcon Car Is Vintage 1970s

(Photo: the official Star Wars Flickr feed)You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought.Before you object to the builders' choice of vehicle, remember that the series takes place not in the future, but "...

The 20 Best Fake Beer Brands From Movies And Television

Quick, how many beer brands from movies and TV can you name? There are more than you might think. Since beer companies pay millions of dollars in advertising, no show is going to use real beer as a prop without getting p...

This is What Happens When Engineers Play Paper Airplane

[] The engineers at Neopost, a company that manufactures postal meter and mailroom equipment, put their expertise to good use by creating a machine that automates the folding of paper ai...


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