The Pretentious Beer Glass Company

Don’t you just love the honesty of an Etsy shop that goes by the name The Pretentious Beer Glass Company? This store is able to provide all the pretentious beer glasses you ever need! The photo above shows the various glasses available, in an assorted set or individually, and each has its own purpose. One highlights the taste of malt, while another brings out the hops flavor. The latest is a two-chambered glass to facilitate the drinking of two kinds of beer at once. All of these glasses are handcrafted by Matthew Cummings.

I make all the glasses by hand at the Flame Run Hotshop with the assistance of Alex Rickel. I use techniques that haven’t really changed in several hundred years (except for a few safety features). Molten glass is collected on a hollow blowpipe, and shaped with the use of wet newspaper pads or wooden tools. No machines touch your beer glass from PBGC! After the glasses are finished hot, I take each glass to my coldshop where I engrave and/or grind the bottoms flat. Once finished, I personally hand-sign each glass and package them in branded gift boxes. Despite the volume and breadth of distribution of these products, it is all still a one-man operation with the help of a few friends. I hope that you enjoy drinking out of these glasses as much as I have enjoyed making them for you.

See the selection yourself at Etsy. -via Boing Boing

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