The Original Endings to Disney Fairy Tales

What? You want to show that Disney princess movie to kids? Never! The stories that they're based on are far too grim for any child. Would You Bloom shows you the plot points that Disney tends to leave out from the centuries-old tales.

Just think: in two hundred years, people will make children's movies featuring watered down versions of Saw, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre and The Exorcist. Only literary scholars and historians will know the origins of Jigsaw the singing puppet who wants to be a real boy. Little girls will dress as Princess Leatherface for Halloween.

-via Blame It on the Voices

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It wasn't a glass slipper but a furry one that the prince was after. He'd tried Cinderella's furry slipper and, as it didn't fit "just right", he had to try all the other furry slippers of all the other girls. Poor guy.

Life is hard, sometimes.
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