Peanut Butter Cup Martini

Martini purists might dispute that this cocktail is properly called a martini. For example, Neatorama commenter nihil once wrote:

Dear Interwebs/Chain Restaurants/Peeps who love booze,

Stop calling every cocktail you make up a "martini." True martinis are a very small group of drinks and do not include things like chocolate, apple schnapps, or fruit. Also, serving a cocktail in a martini glass doesn't make it a martini any more than putting an elephant in a lake makes it a fish. 

Martini snob

I won't dispute this argument. But I would definitely try Brown Sugar's delicious-looking cocktail made of vodka, peanut butter syrup, hot fudge and peanut butter cups.

Link -via Tasteologie

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Ewww, the presentation is not very appealing. Pardon the visuals, but it looks like a toilet bowl after a bender of tequila and tacos. Or a scene from Trainspotting. Bonus points: the price sticker on the bottom of the glass. I'm sure it tastes lovely, though!
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