What The Posters In Your First Apartment Say About You Now

Think about how you decorated your first apartment -or dorm room, if that's all you can remember. Which posters you selected for the walls probably say something about how old you are, but it also says something about what you considered cool, important, or beautiful at the time. Check this list to see how accurately those selections predicted your later life.  

Turn-of-the-century absinthe advertisement: The worst thing you can think to call someone is “middlebrow.” Before that, it was “bougie,” but you like the way middlebrow sounds better. “Nothing’s wrong with it,” you say, trying to arch an eyebrow, “it’s just so middlebrow.”

Pink Floyd album covers drawn on backs of naked women: Every woman you have ever slept with has faked her orgasm without remorse or compunction. None of them considered for a moment doing otherwise. You have absolutely no idea.

Boondock Saints: Several of your roommates consider themselves tattoo artists. There are at least seven houseplants hanging from the ceiling in your kitchen; none of you have any idea how they got there.

Oh, there are a lot more. None is this bothers me because the only works of "art" in my first apartment were giveaway calendars from the Chinese restaurant where I worked nights. Oh, and a big red silk Rolling Stones 1975 tour banner. Link -via Metafilter

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