Study: Retirement is Bad For Your Health

If you're tired of being a working stiff and look forward to retirement, here's a study that will spoil your day: according to British think tank Institute of Economic Affairs, retirement is harmful to your health.

The study [...] found that retirement results in a "drastic decline in health" in the medium and long term.

The IEA said the study suggests people should work for longer for health as well as economic reasons. [...]

The study suggests there is a small boost to health immediately after retirement, before a significant decline in the longer term.

Retirement is found to increase the chances of suffering from clinical depression by 40%, while you are 60% more likely to suffer from a physical condition.

The effect is the same for men and women, while the chances of becoming ill appear to increase with the length of time spent in retirement.

Thank goodness that the world's economy has taken care of that pesky problem for many of us who now can't afford to retire! Link (Image: Warning Retiree - Knows Everything and has Plenty of Time to Tell You About It)

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