Paris Apartment Left Untouched for 70 Years is a Time Capsule from the Past

Before the outbreak of the World War II, a young woman fled Paris for the security of the countryside, never to return. She recently passed away at the ripe age of 91 and when her estate was being inventoried, experts found out that her property in Paris had been left untouched for 70 years:

The property was found near a church in the French capital's 9th arrondissement, between Pigalle red light district and Opera. Experts were tasked with drawing up an inventory of her possessions which included a painting by the 19th century Italian artist Giovanni Boldini.
One expert said it was like stumbling into the castle of Sleeping Beauty, where time had stood still since 1900. 'There was a smell of old dust,' said Olivier Choppin-Janvry, who made the discovery.

Inside was a treasure trove of art, furniture, and other knick-knacks - a time capsule from time gone by. The Daily Mail has more: Link

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My great aunt did not change a thing in her living room from the sixties until she died in 2005. Not quite 70 years, but period treasures none the less.
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The room is filled with some weird dust that make people lose memory that the place ever existed... just watch, this place will be rediscovered again next year.

Somebody call Secret Service Agents Myka Bering and Pete Lattimer from Warehouse 13, I think we might have an artifacts in that room.
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