Fussy Eaters? Blame Mom For Not Eating Enough Fruits and Vegetables

Photo: Anneka/Shutterstock

Got children who are fussy eaters? It's the mom's fault ... for not eating enough fruit and vegetables while pregnant:

Foods eaten by mothers are transferred to their babies in the womb and through breast milk, playing an important role in shaping the child's palate.

Babies who are not given enough early exposure to vegetables, for example, are less likely to enjoy the taste and may have more trouble weaning, researchers said.

Although infants are naturally attracted to salty and sugary tastes, they find it harder to tolerate bitter flavours in foods like green vegetables.

The aversion is a natural warning system triggered by eating unfamiliar food but early experience of the flavour teaches infants to tolerate it more quickly.


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Rubbish. My wife was so nauseated with "morning" sickness during pregnancy that the only thing she could keep down was Ensure - chocolate flavor. She can't stand the sight of the stuff now. Anyway, our children enjoy a wide variety of foods. Start 'em young on what you want them to eat and they will develop a taste for what they are given.
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