Archive for November 10th, 2012

George Washington Riding a Pterodactyl Printed on a Dictionary Page

There's a popular historical myth that Washington crossed the Delaware River on boats on his way to attack the Hessians at Trenton on December 26, 1776. Washington's soldiers crossed using boats; Washington himself...

Bringing Back the Puffins

Atlantic puffins once nested up and down the coast of Maine, but hunting and egg-collecting reduced their numbers to, well, hardly any. Puffins instead nested in Canada. That is, until one guy decided he could bring some...

Man Turned His Room Into a VW Beetle

Jalopnik reader Otto banged his head on his room's slanted ceiling and got an idea: he realized that the angle of the wall looked like the windshield of a car, so he decided change to the room...

Adventure Kitty

In the magical Land of Ooo, long after the Great Mushroom War, Kitty White and her dog rescue princesses from adorable menaces. Brunancio made this cute mashup. His whole gallery is full of similar treats.Artist's Galler...

Oliver Martini Ornament by Patience Brewster

Oliver Martini Ornament by Patience Brewster - $51.45Are you looking for a fun way to add a little holiday cheer to your home? Behold the toast worthy Oliver Martini Ornament by Patience Brewster from the NeatoShop. This...

Automatic Skittles Sorting Machine

[] (YouTube link)Brian Egenriether invented and built a Skittles sorting machine, because he could. It determines the color of each candy and slots it into the appropriate bin.It uses a BASIC S...

Star Trek Universal Translator Coming to Real Life

That universal translator you see in Star Trek? Yes, that one that can instantaneously translate languages while being spoken? It's coming to real life, courtesy of Microsoft: Microsoft...

Ice Cream Sliders: Yay Or Yuck?

This is the first sandwich I've seen in a long time that didn't make me sad about the fact that I can't eat gluten any more. I might like cinnamon ice cream and bacon, but putting that on a bun is just one step too far i...

Walt Disney's Failures

Stephen Schochet compiled a list to illustrate that even very successful people have unexpected setbacks. He listed ten that befell Walt Disney, who learned from his mistakes and went on to great success. Some of those s...

Identical Twins Not Genetically Identical

Photo: Dave Banks/Flickr - via Geeks Are Sexy You'd be forgiven to think that identical twins have the same DNA. After all, that's part of the plot of many crime novels and...

Handbags Made from Human Hair

Do you want a purse that sheds? Fashion designer Taeseok Kang has got the perfect handbag for you. Each one is made with a hefty amount of real human hair.Link | Artist's Website (content warning: artistic nudity)purses,...

Beer Helmets Fit For Middle Earth

Beer helmets are usually so darn tacky, but with this great Gimli-inspired beer helmet, you can drink like a real dwarf in style. Best of all, you can actually create your own thanks to Instructables.Link Via io9beer hel...

Bakery Bans Photography

A reader wrote to Jen at Cake Wrecks that the bakery at her local supermarket has a new policy prohibiting photography. She heard that it was because the management was afraid the cakes would show up on "that bad cake si...

A New Spin on Teh Tarik

[] In Teh tarik ("pulled tea"), black tea and milk are mixed not with a spoon, but with showmanship. Take a look at this man doing teh tarik in Chatuchak We...

Polar Bears Are Big Into Halloween

People tend to assume that because polar bears live up north mean that their favorite holiday is Christmas, but that's just speciest. If you really get to know them, you'll find out that most polar bears prefer Halloween...

Hedgehog Phone Holder

Hedgehod Phone Holder - $9.95Do you have trouble keep track of your cell phone? You need the Hedgehog Phone Holder from the NeatoShop. This adorable plush doubles as a phone stand for your favorite smartphone. It has a f...

If Wes Anderson Directed Star Wars

[] Zeon posted about various director's audition tapes for Star Wars earlier this week, but this one "by" Wes Anderson is perfect! Hit play or go...

Hippo Transforms into a Bar

During his life, French sculptor François-Xavier Lalanne (1927-2008) made several metal hippopatamus figures with built-in compartments. This glorious bronze specimen opens to reveal a bar. It was typical of Lalan...

Bill Nye Words of Wisdom

Old Billy (sic) Nye is filled with all sorts of wisdom. Remember that great video he was in about Creationism? Yeah, he is awesome like that. I will tell you growing up I loved his show and I still do love scienc...

This Week at Neatorama

Is it November 10th already? Tomorrow is Veterans Day, Remembrance Day, or Armistice Day, depending on where you live. Whichever you call it, it's a day to recognize this who have served their country in times of war, a...

Piggy Bread

Sandeea Concina's hog buns require some effort to make--especially the curled tails. But it would be worth it for the reaction they'd sure provoke. You can find her recipe at the link.Link -via Foodiggitypigs, bread...

I Am Your Father

[] (YouTube link)He wanted a Star Wars birthday party, so he could be Luke Skywalker and fight Darth Vader. His sister dressed as Princess Leia. Darth showed up, the light sabers were...

Heartbeat-Powered Pacemaker

The idea proposed by reseachers at the University of Michigan is to harvest the energy released by a heartbeat to power the pacemaker regulating the same heart:Piezoelectric materials generate an electric charge when the...

Morley Street Art On Jobs

Morley is a street artist, similar in that regard to Hanksy, from Los Angeles - where I currently happen to live. If Hanksy is all about the puns, Morley is all about the writing. He is a pretty good one if you a...

The UK as an Anime Girl

It occured to some posters at a Japanese-language bulletin board that a map of the United Kingdom looks a lot like a girl. Specifically, "a girl who worries tremendously about her bosom." They illustrated this vision in...

The Edible Deodorant

Candy is dandy and liquor is quicker, but edible deodorant doesn't only taste sweet, it also makes you smell like roses! Here's Deo Perfume Candy, the brainchild of food company Bene...

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