Disney to Purchase Lucasfilm and Release New Star Wars Movie in 2015

When I first saw the headline, I suspected--I hoped--that it would link to an Onion article. But no:

Disney is paying $4.05 billion to buy Lucasfilm Ltd., the production company behind ‘‘Star Wars,’’ from its chairman and founder, George Lucas. It’s also making a seventh movie in the ‘‘Star Wars’’ series called ‘‘Episode 7,’’ set for release in 2015, with plans to follow it with Episodes 8 and 9 and then one new movie every two or three years. [...]

Lucas said in a statement, ‘‘It’s now time for me to pass ‘Star Wars’ on to a new generation of filmmakers.’’

Perhaps there's nothing to worry about. After all, Disney has done well with Marvel since acquiring that company.

Link -via Ed Driscoll | Photo: Pop Culture Geek

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Don't see what the problem is, but I'm sure all the fanbois will cry bloody murder. Disney will do just fine with Star Wars so long as they don't let Lucas influence the new movies too much. I'm not even a big fan, but the thought of more movies and the potential of it all is exciting.
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