Four Stories of Alleged Time Travelers

Be mindful that the four stories in this list all came from the time travelers themselves. It starts of with the case of Andrew D. Basiago.

Basiago claims that as a child growing up in the 60s and 70s he was involved in “Project Pegasus,” a project lead by the United States military exploring time-travel and teleportation. One-hundred and forty children total were involved. Basiago’s adventures include being sent back to 1,000,000 BC and watching dinosaurs, being sent to 2045 to pick up microfilm, and meeting Barack Obama while he was still in school. As a reward for his good time-service Basiago was sent to hear Lincoln give the Gettysburg Address, where claims to have been photographed. BOOM! Proof!

Since coming forward with his claims Basiago has campaigned for the US government to reveal its time travel secrets. He’s also jumped on the 2012 band wagon, claiming a series of events will leave the Washington D.C. underwater.

The story of Basiago goes on to tell of how he traveled to Mars with Barack Obama and the number #2 time traveler on the list at Weird Worm. Link -via the Presurfer

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But there were no dinosaurs in 1,000,000 BC. They died out 65 million years ago. Perhaps he just fell asleep during the Raquel Welch film of that name. Did he mention skimpy cave-woman outfits?
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