When Hyphen Boy Meets Hyphen Girl

It's regular ol' love story: boy meets girl, they fall in love, and then they started thinking about marriage. But then, there's a twist: both have hyphenated last names, and merging the two would create a household that sounds like a law firm ...

The pair chatted and flirted for a bit. Those were the good old days, before they started discovering the kind of issues that inevitably pop up later. Like when Brendan first noticed the name on Leila's mailbox.

"I remember looking at hers and being like, 'Holy crap, there's another hyphenated last name!' "

Brendan's last name is Greene-Walsh, and Leila's, Rathert-Knowles.

They both hoped things would continue to go well — but they both also knew they were a pileup waiting to happen.

"My names would probably be Leila Rathert-Knowles Greene-Walsh," Leila says, laughing.

Brendan smirks, too. "It just rolls off the tongue, doesn't it?"

What do you think they should do? I, for one, vote that they use the letters of their last names to come up with a new one. Tovia Smith of NPR's All Things Considered has the story: Link (Photo: Brendan Greene-Walsh)

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Why don't they put an end to the trendy foolishness and use his father's surname? They can name the children to honor the grandparents and do like others have done for centuries.
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This entire situation was lampooned in a great South Park episode:


The link should be PG. No swearing or anything. The worst it gets is people smelling their own gas. If that offends, you probably shouldn't watch.
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Hmmm. My wife doesn't use her Maiden name as a middle name, she just kept the middle name she had. She is from New Jersey, and I from Tennessee. She told me that she thought using a maiden name as a middle name was a "southern tradition".
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