The Industrial Life of Button Mushroom

That delicious mushroom you just had with your salad wasn't harvested from a beautiful forest or an idyllic farm. No, neatoramanauts, every single step in the growing, harvesting, and processing of Agaricus bisporus, or the champignon or button mushroom is industrial in nature.

Take a look at this video clip by Havatec, which explains everything. Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via Kottke

Oh, a mushroom trivia for you: if you let that common button mushroom grow to maturity, you get portabello mushroom. Thought you've been eating two different kinds of mushrooms?

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The amount of automation in that place was amazing, and made it look like they could process 10,000 pounds of mushrooms a day with only 5 people. I'd be curious to know how many people used to have jobs there before they brought in all the technology.
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