Cougar Attacks Dog, Man Responds with Frying Pan

Brandon Arnold of Chino Valley, Arizona was camping with a group of friend in Tonto National Forest when a mountain lion attacked his dog. Arnold tried to pull the animals apart before he realized the attacker wasn't another dog. The campers grabbed whatever was nearby, which for Arnold was a hot cast-iron skillet. He bopped the cat in the head twice, killing it. Another camper shot the mountain lion, just to make sure. Officials from the Arizona Game and Fish Department took the big cat for testing and found it had rabies. None of the campers were scratched or bitten except for the dog, Apollo, and he'd been vaccinated for rabies already. Arnold and his friend Donald Jones spoke of the incident.
"We all figured when we went back, nobody was going to believe us," Arnold related. "Man, it was the craziest thing I ever experienced."

Arnold is sheepish about his heroics, saying Apollo is his baby and he didn't want him to die.

"It was the adrenaline," he said. "I'm not a badass or anything."

Jones can't wait to tell his grandkids the story.

"They won't believe me," he said.

Link -via Arbroath

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