Where Do You Work? "Roof"


Richard Haughton builds and repairs thatched roofs in Scottow, Norfolk, England. But when he works, all eyes are on his dog Axel, who's right there on the roof with Haughton and his crew. The 5-year-old Newfoundland mix has been climbing the ladder to be with his master since he was a puppy, and now has quite a reputation among customers, who love the rooftop dog. Axel climbs up well, and doesn't mind spending all day on the roof, but still cannot climb down on his own. He'll wag his tail to let the work crew know he needs to be brought down. Link (with video) -via Arbroath

Previously: Bubba the Ladder-climbing Roof Dog

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That dog is amazing. Although it seems like it would be dangerous for the dog and the people when coming down from the rooftop. Either way it must be real good for business.
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