We're Not Young

Fun.'s "We Are Young">We Are Young" sure is a catchy song, but the lyrics don't resonate with those of us who are over 30. To fix this egregious error, singer-songwriters Tommy Fields and Nikki Boyer created this version, We Are Not Young, for Yahoo's SketchY comedy series.

Poking fun at folks in their 30s who are either unmarried (not by choice), underemployed, or gaining weight, the song features lyrics like "Now I know that I'm fat, shut up about that. I guess I'll do elliptical, maybe I can finally do that yoga class. But I'll probably watch HD-TV, gonna stay at home and watch 'Modern Family.'"


That hits too close to home, man.

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I actually love the original song, but being in my mid 40's, I thought this was brilliant. Very funny. I do hope that young people won't think that this sort of thing will happen to them when they get old (you know, old being over 25 years). It's up to each of us to do something with our lives. Reality is a bitch.
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