Archive for February 13th, 2012

8 Animal Misconceptions

(YouTube link) C.G.P. Grey busts some myths you may have heard about animals. He goes pretty fast, so in case you want to check the facts more slowly, the script is available at his site. Link -via The Daily Whatmyths...

Why Did Van Halen Ban Brown M&Ms from Its Performances?

(Video Link) The 80s band Van Halen famously (or infamously) had a rider in its contract which required promoters to provide the band a large number of M&Ms in the dressing room. But brown M&Ms were forbidden. If th...

History Museum Wants You to Mail in Your Old Underwear

The address is Missouri History Museum, 5700 Lindell Boulevard, Saint Louis, MO 63112. Now get moving. There's no time to waste. Oh, you want details? Fine, fine. From the Show Me State: The museum is planning a ma...

Good Advice!

Found via Arbroath - does anyone know where this was from? crocodile...

George R.R. Martin Reads Horrifying Nursery Rhymes

(Video Link) Gather around, kids. We have a guest reader for today's story time. Mr. Martin usually writes books for grown-ups, but he's modified a few nursery rhymes for us. -via The Mary Suenursery rhymes, Game...

Manga-Inspired Plates

This stack of pancakes is bursting into action, thanks to a plate designed by Eisuke Tachikawa. His series turns eating lunch into a manga action/adventure sequence. Also neat: at the link, scroll down to the end...

Gyroscopic Self-Leveling Pool Table on a Ship

(Video Link) If you utter the proper incantation, this magical pool table on the cruise ship Radiance of the Seas stays level. So you can't blame the waves for missing a shot. -via dman3150pool table, gy...

Taxidermy, Dr.Seuss-Style

Oh me! Oh my! Oh me! Oh my! What a lot of funny things go by ...during hunting season. Carl Turner created mounted heads of Dr. Seuss's creatures, including this Baffler Bird. Link -via Super Punchtaxidermy,...

Superhero Math by Matt Cowan

Artist Matt Cowan used a bit of math to explain superheroes. Take a look at Matt's deviantART page to see if the equations jibe: Link - via Notcot superhero, Matt Cowan...

Trailer for Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

[] Ending slavery wasn't the only thing Abraham Lincoln did when he was President of the United States. He also saved the Republic from vampires. Behol...

Find the Church in this Picture

Can't see it? Neither can I! Under all that foliage is St. Andrew’s Church in Bircham Tofts, England. It was abandoned in the 19th century when parishes were consolidated, but you can still get in, if you...

Won't Someone Think of the Caribou?

That's what Texas Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert said, in defense of an Alaskan oil pipeline project. It's all about the caribou: Here’s his theory: The caribou very...

Engaged Workaholics: Working (A Lot) Is Healthy

Do you love working but are constantly told by naysayers that you're a workaholic working yourself into an early grave? Science to the rescue! Researchers say that there's nothing wrong...

The History of Sweetheart Candies

Sweethearts: those little chalky heart candies you know so well -or do you? They've been in production for decades, but they weren't always hearts. At one time, they came in the shapes of scallops, baseballs, and horsesh...

Strange, Odd, Perplexing, and Unintentionally Funny Vintage Valentine Cards

Mitch O'Connell posted 34 vintage valentine cards that appear to be the type children would exchange at school, yet many of them contain double entendres, whether intentional or not. Link -via Boing Boingvintage, val...


This Twaggie was illustrated by a Tweet from @DamienFahey, who apparently a frustrated Whole Foods customer. See a new Twaggie every day at GoComics. LinkTwitter, tweet, Twaggie, Whole Foods, petitions...

Realistic Duct Tape Roses

Now that you can get duct tape in just about any color imaginable, why not make your Valentine some roses that are darn near indestructible? As a commenter at Metafilter said, Because nothing says "Let's stick toget...

Lord of the Rings LEGO Sets

The highly-anticipated Lord of the Rings LEGO line was unveiled at a party in conjunction with the International Toy Fare 2012 in New York. Or, at least most of the sets. The Hobbit set is...

14 Geeky Valentine’s Day Cards

Let your geekiness show in the valentines you send! Express your love for your sweetie plus your love for your favorite video game, online community, scientific discipline, movie, or TV show. There are lots to select...

Vampire Parasite in Amber

A 20-million-year-old bat fly was discovered in a mine in the Dominican Republic, the first fossilized fly of its type ever found. Its descendants are still around, sucking blood from modern bats, but scientists did not...

Bye Bye Jar Jar

(YouTube link) A Star Wars nerd fantasy come true! Jar Jar gets his in this fan-made trailer. -via Geeks Are SexyStar Wars, JarJar...

Inflatable Tentacle Arm

Inflatable Tentacle Arm - $11.95 Are you a sucker for the big eyes of a brainy octopus? We at the NeatoShop are not here to judge you. We encourage you to embrace your inner cephalopod with the Inflatable Tentacle Arm...

Life Sized Needle Felted Heart

To show heart felt love, Etsy seller OneAgainSam made an anatomically correct heart. Perhaps to express other sentiments, he also felted a pair of lungs, a brain and an intestinal tract. Link -via Nerdcoreetsy, fe...

15 Romantic Records Perfect For Valentine’s Day

Whether or not you’re in a relationship, it’s still pretty easy to get swept away in the romantic spirit of Valentine's Day. In honor of the holiday, let’s take a look at some of the most romantic world records eve...

Wall Needs Masonry/Dental Work

Russian street artist Nikita Nomerz discovers facial features in buildings and adds just a few touches to expose them. View a gallery of his recent work at the link. Link -via Colossal (where there's a video) | Ph...

Kitty Cosplay Is Adorable

Sometimes it's too hard to actually get your kitty in a costume. Fortunately, with a simple cardboard box and a marker, you can make your little one the coolest geek kitty in town. Click the link to see the picture e...

Getting To Know The Actors Who Played The Doctor

You might know all about the show, but what do you know of the men who played the Doctor? If you want to increase your knowledge of the subject, then don't miss this great Mental Floss article filled with fascinating tri...

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