Wild And Wonderful Photorealistic Paintings By Audrey Flack

There's a lot to look at in these beautiful paintings by Audrey Flack, and I can't help but wonder if she used the house of a hoarder as the inspiration/reference for her paintings.

It's like a little adventure for your eyes, a tour of mystical terrain that takes you to some strange places and provokes a myriad of thoughts.

There are many stories being told by these works, the brilliant colors of life, beautiful shading and skilled rendering of multiple surface types playing off one another and further selling the realism.

Even though these pieces were painted in the 1970s, they look fresh to this day, and I'm sure digging that mystical vibe. Check out more of Audrey's masterpieces at the link below, it's a great way to feed your head.

Link  --via Beautiful Decay

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Does not strike me as photorealistic. They may have passed for photorealistic in the 70's but today's photorealistic pieces are barely distiguishable from photos.

These look like photos that have had so many filters 'shopped on to them they you can barely tell they were originally photos.
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I have to agree with lewen. This is one of the lamer attempts at photorealistic painting I've seen online. Besides, photorealistic painting is sooooo 2011.
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