This Week at Neatorama

This coming Thursday is Groundhog Day! Get your Groundhog Day decorations out, put up the Groundhog lights, and let's all sing Groundhog carols! Will the Groundhog see his shadow? Ya know, it doesn't really matter, because whether he does or not, spring will be here in six weeks anyway. At least on the calendar. So we can say we've turned the corner on winter,and that's what the holiday is all about. Happy Groundhog Day! Meanwhile, it's time to catch up on this week's best stuff from Neatorama.

Jill Harness collected 7 Amazing Stories of Lost and Re-Found Wedding Rings.

Eddie Deezen brought us The Origin of the Beatles Haircut.

Many thanks to National Geographic for providing Joel Sartore's Biodiversity Portraits,  which we posted at the Neatorama Spotlight Blog.

Goodbye, Farewell, and A*M*E*N was this week's offering from Uncle John's Bathroom Reader.

Mental_floss magazine told us 10 Secrets of the Vatican Exposed.

The Psychoanalyst Says Your Gut Says… was a bit of nonsense from the Annals of Improbable Research.

In the What Is It? game this week, the pictured item is a meat cleaver with an attached combination tool, which is for sale at eBay. The first person to identify it was Michael S. Gatlin, who wins a t-shirt for his efforts! Chuck Farkleycame up with the funniest answer:

Pablo Picasso

mixed media with cleaver

So Chuck wins a t-shirt from the NeatoShop, too! Thanks to everyone who played this week. See the answers to all this week’s mystery items at the What Is It? blog.

The most-commented-on post this week was Raising a Gender-Neutral Child, which is not surprising. Coming in second was Can America Make the iPhone? (Hint: It's Not About The Labor Cost).

Earlier this week, we were offline for a while due to technical difficulties. Our tech wizard worked all night and most of the next day to get it fixed, and we really appreciate that. If it ever happens again, we will try to post updates on Facebook, Twitter, and G+ so you'll know what's going on. Be sure to check back often! And if you need your Neatorama fix in the meantime, those social networking sites are the place to be for fun stuff, discussions, and extra contests you won't find on the main page. Visit them every day!

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