On April 7, 1994, pilots Captain David Sanders and Captain Jim Tucker took off in a FedEx cargo jet from Memphis. Andy Peterson was their flight engineer. Also aboard was Auburn Calloway, a FedEx flight engineer who was just hitching a ride. But getting a ride wasn't his entire plan, which became evident only a few minutes into the flight.
Flight 705 never made it to its destination in California, but did not crash. How the crew managed to land the plane while sustaining terrible injuries is a story told at Damn Interesting. Link
Auburn Calloway had swung a hammer with great force into the top of Andy Peterson’s head several times in rapid succession. Jim Tucker turned to see what the commotion was about just as one of Calloway’s hammers landed a crushing blow to the left side of the co-pilot’s skull, driving bone fragments into his brain. Having temporarily incapacitated 2/3 of the crew, Calloway turned his attention to the pilot. Captain Sanders managed to deflect some of the hail of hammer strikes, nevertheless several blows penetrated his confused defenses and rendered him bleeding and disoriented.
Calloway withdrew back into the galley as the mauled crew members attempted to disentangle themselves from their seats with sluggish limbs and excruciating pain. The instrument panels were spattered with blood and all three men bled profusely from head wounds. Co-pilot Jim Tucker, unable to get out of his seat, repeatedly urged “Get him!” to his more mobile crew mates. Engineer Andy Peterson could barely hear due to a loud ringing in his ears.
Before Sanders and Peterson could mobilize, Calloway reappeared holding a spear gun.
Flight 705 never made it to its destination in California, but did not crash. How the crew managed to land the plane while sustaining terrible injuries is a story told at Damn Interesting. Link
I'm glad no one was killed at least, but still... damn.