Pumpkin Pie Donut

I've long dreamed of eating a donut stuffed with sweetened peanut butter. But this concoction by the California donut shop chain Psycho Donuts may top that. It's filled with pumpkin pie and capped with maple flavoring and crushed graham crackers.

What new donut design would you create, if given the chance?

Official Website -via That's Nerdalicious!

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@John Farrier: It's not bad. Just bitter, liquoricey + interesting. Drink it diluted by water 6:1, w/sugar-to taste; no fire (that's from the movies).

If you want to knock down the bitterness, try Collins Mix inst. of sugar-water.
(or Pellegrino+Sugar+Lemon Juice)

The Euros have been doing Lemon Soda + Pastis forever.

Anyway, there is not and never has been enough Thujone extracted from the Wormwoods to actually make you trip.

The current Euro Standard of safety, iirc, is 30mg/L.

Molecular biochemist, Ted Breaux has tested era-specific vintage samples, even for the decomposition compounds, and they turned out to have even Less than the current Euro standard for Thujone.

Btw, the crazy old stories were unscrupulous gilded-age profiteers in France selling unsafe knockoffs composed of Methyl Alcohol + Copper Salts before there was a French ~FDA to regulate them.

+If you wanted to trip on thujone, you'd just take a safe form of wormwood; you can find more info about that on Erowid.
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Absinthe Bender
with Dark Chocolate Nutella + Crystallized Crushed Hazelnut topping and a surprise Amaretto Profiterole bomb center in the middle of the Absinthe custard filling.

You could only eat one a year (after signing the appropriate release forms), and you wouldn't remember a damn thing about the last 36-52 hours after doing so.
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