Weekend At Bernie's ... In Real Life

With friends like these, who need enemies? Here's the sad yet strange story of what can only be called Weekend At Bernie's in real life:

“It’s an unusual case. It’s a very sad case,” said Denver District Attorney’s Office spokeswoman Lynn Kimbrough. “The charges allege that these two young men put their buddy into the car...and basically went out on the town with his credit cards.”

According to the arresting documents, Young found his friend, 43-year-old Jeffery Jarrett, unresponsive at his home in the 1800 block of S. Forest St.

Instead of calling 911, detectives say the pair placed Jarrett in the backseat of Rubinson’s SUV and went for a ride.

Their first stop was at Teddy T’s, a bar and grill at E. Evans Ave. and S. Monaco Pkwy, where investigators say the suspects used Jarrett’s credit card to pay for drinks.

Later in the evening, the two went to eat at Sam’s No. 3, with Jarrett still in the backseat.


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Jollyboy, they managed to use an ATM, so maybe you're from a country dumb enough not to read the entire article before commenting.
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When I first heard this story I wondered how they'd managed to use his cards. Then I wondered if maybe this was a country dumb enough to still rely on nothing more than a signature for card payments.
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