The Reebok Ripper? 11th Dismembered Foot Washed Ashore in the Pacific Northwest

We reported the strange and gruesome discoveries of dismembered feet washing ashore in the Pacific Northwest a while ago.

Well, dismembered feet continue to wash ashore: the 11th since 2007.

Eight feet have washed up around Vancouver and three feet have come ashore in nearby Washington state since 2007, according to Stephen Fonseca of the British Columbia Coroners Service. None of the cases have been deemed suspicious.

Fonseca said that human remains can come apart naturally in a water environment, and with the high amount of marine activity, beaches, and people involved in accidents in the water, it's likely that these are all unrelated cases. He also noted that there are many bridges over waterways in the area, and distraught people who may have jumped could also be a cause for the body parts washing up on shore.

"Running shoes of today are more buoyant," he said, "and it's a very rational explanation that when the feet do disarticulate, through marine scavenging and decomposition, the shoe will bring the foot back up to the surface and it will float there until it reaches shoreline."

Could they be victims of a serial killer (dubbed the "Reebok Ripper")?

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Uhh, at least two of the feet were traced back to a kid who committed suicide in 2004 by jumping of an upstream bridge. There was a big article in the National Post just today. It seems likely these are all results of people jumping to their deaths.‘floating-feet’-case-leads-to-troubled-young-man-from-surrey-b-c/
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This case is too strange to ignore. Why aren't feet washing ashore on other coastlines? There are countless miles of shoreline across the world and this one particular area seems to be the only one finding severed feet in sneakers. Doesn't that seem odd to anyone else? Something is going on over there. It's not just, "Oh look, another foot in a sneaker. Nothing strange about that. Happens all the time." Yeah, all the time. In the Pacific Northwest.
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