Kristie Carlisle Duncan, a MFA student at the Savannah College of Art and Design, came up with this whimsical sculpture. It's a mechanical deer piloted by tiny chickens. Not real ones, of course. But if this contrapt...
(YouTube link)
Storycorps listened to cousins James Ransom and Cherie Johnson as they remembered their childhood Sunday school teacher Miss Lizzie Devine, "the only woman who scared them more than their grandmother....
You know how microwave ovens heat or defrost your food unevenly? You must either rotate or stir your food between zaps to get it "done." Lenore at Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories accidentally uncovered the pattern her mi...
(YouTube link)
Jesef, in a motorized wheelchair, is chased by a desert tortoise named Cruiser. As exciting as this is, I can't help but think it needs more Yakety Sax. -via Buzzfeedchase, wheelchair, tortoise...