This Week at Neatorama

This week we welcomed our first contribution from actor and comedian Eddie Deezen, whom you might remember from the movies Grease or WarGames. Snap, Crackle, and Pop filled us in on the Rice Krispies mascots, which he knows about because he did the voice of Pop! We look forward to more posts from Eddie.

Jill Harness gave us two feature articles, beginning with 15 Cool Modernized Propaganda Posters on Wednesday.

On Friday, she told us the inspiring stories of 5 Musicians Who Had to Relearn Their Craft.

Saving Sergeant Niland from Uncle John's Bathroom Reader gave us the true story behind the movie Saving Private Ryan.

From mental_floss magazine, we had One Animal's Body, Another Animal's Brain.

Cocker’s Arithmetick, from the Annals of Improbable Research, was a review of a book published in 1667 that apparently foreshadowed a Monty Python skit.

In this week's What Is It? game, no one knew what these items were for, even hours after the What Is It? blog posted the answers. These are tools used in Europe for oyster farming! Galen won a t-shirt for the funniest answer: Early open heart surgery kit. Sternum crackers with built in chest cavity hooks. Or maybe that was supposed to be a serious answer… anyway, Galen is a winner!

Now, when you've caught up with everything on the main blog, there's even more to Neatorama. You'll find short stories, serials, and novels at our literary blog Bit Lit, and information, news, and funny videos about babies and children at NeatoBambino!

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