The Inebriate in Captivity

John F. Ptak came across an 1908 newspaper photo essay entitled "The Pleasant Lot of the Inebriate in Captivity: The comfortable quarters of the inmates of a state reformatory for inebriates."
The life in the state reformatory as an alcoholic British woman was hardly "pleasant" as the title states, though we don't know what the author was comparing this to.  I suspect it was a general prison that was the benchmark for pleasantness, though perhaps it could have been an insane asylum , assuming of course that they didn't seem nearly as pleasant as the "pleasant" scenes in these pictures.  The reformatory for alcoholics in Great Britain was established more along the lines of an almshouse or mental institution and seemed not terribly coercive--though given the border decorations for the photos on these pages--keys--there is no doubt that these people were incarcerated "for their own and the community's good."

Although the photographs are obviously posed, they are worth a look for their historic value. Link -via Everlasting Blort

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