Amputee Trips Up Robber

A Massachusetts man is being hailed a hero for lending a leg when people were in need.
Steve Cornell was using an ATM, at a Middleton store last night, when he saw a man inside pointing a gun at the stores manager.

When the gunman ran out the door, Cornell tripped him, giving the manager enough time to tackle the man.

What makes Cornell’s actions even more impressive is that he has an artificial leg.

Steve Cornell said he did what anyone would do, but I don't think that's true.  Would you be willing to lend a hand (or a leg) to help someone? Just something to think about.


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I remember one time, I was watching a country music concert on tv. The dancers were doing high kicks and my grandpa suddenly said "Hey, I can do that" and take his leg off and holds it up in the air. My sister peed herself.

Another time, he was walking through the mall and his leg fell off. Some passer by thought his leg literally fell off and became hysterical. She needed the EMT more than my grandpa did.

I love my grandpa. He rocks.
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I don't understand what the artificial leg has anything to do with it. This story would only be extraordinary to me if he took off his leg and threw it at the burglar; I would probably trip someone if there was an opportune moment
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