This Week at Neatorama

As we welcome March this week, aren't you glad spring is in sight? This is the first time the Neatobot has not been dressed up for a holiday in over two months! Of course, we have Mardi Gras, St. Patricks Day, and Easter to look forward to. And while you're enjoying one of the last winter weekends, catch up on what you might have missed at Neatorama.

John Farrier looked up 18 Facts You Might Not Know about Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Phil Haney took a look at the Wildest Secession Movements in The United States.

For Presidents Day, we brought you A Sitting President's Memorial, courtesy of Uncle John's Bathroom Reader.

The folks at the Annals of Improbable Research wondered why everything Tastes Like Chicken?

Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five came to us from mental_floss magazine.

Over at NeatoBambino, you can see all kinds of cute and amazing kids on video, such as the very talented Maria Aragon doing her lovely version of Lady Gaga's new song.

In the What Is It? game this week, grape_ape knew the right answer: the object in question is a brass paper folder, used by pharmacists to wrap powdered medicines before tablets became common. You'll find a more detailed explanation and more examples of such devices at the What Is It? blog answer page. The funniest answer came from Swami, who said, "It's a "First Step" made by Duzee,Inc. Plainfield, MA, circa 1892. Yep, that first step is a Duzee." Both win t-shirts from the NeatoShop!

You got a chance to Name That Weird Invention! on Monday. There were a lot of very clever names submitted this week. First prize goes to pismonque for Geri-Go-Round. Second prize goes to Haring Wati, who was the first to submit the name Car-ousel. Both win t-shirts from the NeatoShop! Other names that deserve a second look include: Geriatric lazy susan, Senior roulette seat, Mobile oldies dispenser, Spinster, Seat-or-rama, Roadtisserie, Geriatric Gyro, Geri-sel, and THE OLDS-MOBILE!

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