Doctor Accepts Donations Only

Dr. Keith Swanson of Atlantic, Iowa was going to retire and work for free over seas. Instead his wife talked him into opening a "donations only" clinic. This way he could do his charity work right in his home town. To cover his expenses his wife made a donation box. It's a simple shoe box covered in red tape. There is slit on the top where people can place donations. The average donation is about $10.
Swanson said he has no plans to quit what he's doing any time soon.

"I always tell people, the last day -- if I walk down the hall and die, you'll know I'm not going to be here tomorrow."

KETV has more: Link

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What a wonderful story! I wish this man the best, mostly no lawsuits.

As an added benefit, we now know how much people are willing to pay for a doctor visit: $10.
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