A playful bear cub roughhouses with a very patient cat. But even the most imperturbable feline has his limits.
Click play or go to Link [YouTube] -via The Daily What.
Click play or go to Link [YouTube] -via The Daily What.
After a couple more minutes the cat clearly reaches the limit of his patience and gets all slappy and bitey with the bear to make him lay off, he's had all he's going to take. He looks over at the men and seems to be thinking, "You're not gonna get pissed at me for slapping Yogi around a little, right?" Once he sees no one is upset that he's defending himself he reinforces the "That's enough!" message to Yogi a few more times until he's sure Yogi understands. Then he trots off to find another place to sleep, probably out of the reach of the bear cub.
The cat is clearly unafraid of the bear and the men. He's not starving. The man on the bench didn't kick him, he just moved his feet a little to send the message, "No, no...don't hide under here." so the cat keeps moving to get away from the bear.
The junk all over his coat that makes him look scruffy and unkempt is more than likely bear slobber. Right before the video ends you see the cat shake himself a little as if his fur is damp. I'm sure that once he found a quieter place to nap away from the bear, the first thing he did before going to sleep was groom himself dry.
The cat was OK!
It's hard to tell how benign or malicious the humans' intentions are without knowing more about the situation than can be seen in this short video. Were there hoping the bear would hurt the cat? Did they allow this to happen because they knew the cat wouldn't be hurt? It's hard to tell, but O, you are an asshole anyway.
That is a husky cat. Obviously well fed. It is, hovever, completely covered in baby bear slobber. It is tolerant of the bear's behavior. If it didn't want to be there it could be gone in a flash and no blocking of the way by a mere human boot would keep him in the cabin.