The 10 Dumbest Tech Predictions

When David Sarnoff tried to find investors to develop commercial radio in 1921, this was the response from one group of financiers:

The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to no one in particular?

Sarnoff pressed on anyway and eventually founded NBC and RCA. You can read nine other failed, pessimistic predictions about technology at the link.

Link via TigerHawk | Photo by Flickr user slgckgc used under Creative Commons license

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after reading the first few, i got tired of being reminded to check out his stock tips. i thought this was going to be interesting. i don't want to read about someone's stock tips.
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Agreed, there were a few interesting quotes in there, but that was really all just a set up for a sales pitch for the authors book, blog and stock tips. Did I mention I have a blog? :P
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