Happy New Year! Let me make a prediction: 2011 is going to be the best year ever! I'm no skilled prognosticator, I just think optimism is a great way to start anything new. But first, let's look back at what you might have missed during this past week at Neatorama.
Jill took a look at the year gone by with 12 Tips From The Stupidest Criminals of 2010.
Jill also introduced us to 7 Celebrities Who Made It Big Thanks To Soul Train, with video evidence.
Alex brought us a rare weekend feature the day after Christmas, so you might have missed 4 Unusual Treadmills. Don't miss this chance to read it!
Have you seen The Room? Uncle John's Bathroom Reader asks if it may be The Worst Movie of All Time?
From the Annals of Improbable Research, we got Mona Lisa: All Things to Some Researchers.
Mental_floss magazine filled us in on The Secret Life of the Banjo. And just to see if you're reading this at all, here's a bonus link.
In the Name That Weird Invention! contest, winning names came from Madam Atom, who named the boots Ankle Biters, and Carolyn Bahm, who called them Moc Martens. Both win t-shirts from the NeatoShop!
The What Is It? game came up on Thursday. Just a guess had the right answer pretty quickly: this object is a fire starter. Soak it in kerosene, then place the business end under the logs and light. The funniest answer came from pismonque, who said, “It’s a 2-in-1 Ant Annihilator Toy. The ring at one end originally held a magnifier for frying individual ants, while the other end was used to steamroll dozens at a time. Kids loved ‘em!” Both win t-shirts from the NeatoShop!
And if you didn't work it on Tuesday, you can still try Neato-Puzzle #12.
Still looking for something to amuse you on a holiday weekend? Check out original fiction at BitLit, cute kids at NeatoBambino, and awesome artists at the Art Blog. And join us at Twitter and Facebook!