Archive for October 10th, 2010

Uncle Matin's Amazing Sword Trick

Falsely imprisoned for 10 years, Uncle Matin finally breathed the fresh air of freedom when he ran into his friends at the market who beseeched him to show them his famous sword trick.But what happened when he started to...

Microsoft to Open Store in Mall, Right in Front of the Apple Store

Oh, this should be good. Apple has had a good and long run wow-ing the public with their hip iPhones and iPads in their oh-so-sleek Apple stores in malls, and Microsoft isn't going to take it anymore: the boys of Redmond...

Banksy Does The Simpsons

(YouTube link) Tonight's opening sequence of The Simpsons was written and directed by street artist Banksy. It may be disturbing to some viewers. -via Laughing Squid Simpsons, The Simpsons, banksy, couch ga...

4 Year Time-Lapse Video of Building Demolition and Contruction

(Video Link) This time-lapse video captured footage in Paris from January 2007 through September 2010. It shows the deconstruction of one building and the erection of another in its place. Videographer Ramon added...

Roman Helmet Found in Field Makes Farmer Multimillionaire

Eric Robinson, a farmer in Crosby Garrett, UK, earned approximately $3.7 million when a helmet that was found in his field was auctioned: The grandad, who works 70 hours a week on his farm at Crosby Garrett, Cumbria,...

Man Builds Matchstick Models of Every Ship in the Royal Navy Since 1945

Phillip Warren's hobby for the past 62 years has been building models of warships out of matchsticks. So far, he's used 650,000 matches to build 400 ship models: The master modeller, from Brandford, Dorset, has c...

How to Put Yourself Inside of a Coat

(YouTube link) Surprise! Allie Brosch of Hyperbole and a Half looks nothing like the cartoons she draws of herself. But she has some advice on how to put your coat on so you don't look like a fool this winter. -via...

The Original Plan Was for Yoda to Be Played by a Monkey

J.W. Rinzler, the author of the book The Making of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, notes that George Lucas wasn't sure how the character Yoda could be portrayed on screen. One idea was to put a monkey in a...

15 Manly Motorcycles for the Manly Man

Image: Michael Drabikowski - via Bike EXIFI can't even ride a scooter, but I certainly can appreciate this nifty gallery of 15 manly motorcycles for the manly man over at Cool Material. This one above is the Robb Handcra...

The REAL Reason Behind Silly Airplane Rules

Why can't you user your cell phone on commercial flights (hint: it has nothing to do with technical limitation, you can use your mobile phones in flights in Europe) or why your seat has to be in their original and uprigh...

Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer Plush

Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer Plushies - $11.95 ea.Psst, misfits! We've just gotten a shipment of the Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer plushies at the Island of Misift Toys (AKA NeatoShop). The plushies include H...

10 Star Trek-Themed Cocktails

If you're throwing a geek party, you've got to have geeky refreshments, like these ten Star Trek-themed drinks, with recipes included. With names like “Beam Me Up Scotchie” and “Phasers on Stun Punch”,...

Cougar Cub

A new cougar was born at the Oregon Zoo in Portland on September 19th. The cub and her mom Chinook are in seclusion, but you can see a video at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer blog.

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