Art: (L) Viki Yeo (M) Olivier Ponsonnet (R) Lindsey Heyes
Advances in computer graphics have allowed movies to be shot mostly or even entirely on digital backlot (I'm looking at you, Sky Captain and Sin City) - but how about actors?
As you can see from this compilation of CG artwork over at DP Shots*, it's not inconceivable that we'd see films made entirely without human actors. It's probably the next stage in the evolution of animation.
Link - Thanks Uzair!
*Yes, it's of girls (don't worry, completely SFW) - some of the artwork are so realistic, at a glance, they can be mistaken for photos.
Previously on Neatorama: Photorealistic Rendering by Max Edwin Wahyudi | Photorealistic Vector Art
"it’s not inconceivable that we’d see films made entirely without human actors"
Have you ever heard of Walt Disney? He made some movies without actors a while back.
Also, most of the images were crap. Have you been living in a cave, Alex?
Seen it. It was called Final Fantasy, and it looked better than most of these images.
Not cool, Alex.