Terreform One Sustainable City

When I was a kid my vision of my own adulthood was based on The Jetsons. I imagined myself whizzing around futuristic buildings in my own little air car and landing on my home's helipad just in time for my evening protein capsules. Terreform One resembles that childhood fantasy.

Terreform One, a New York non-profit design group led by 38-year-old architect Mitchell Joachim, offers answers to almost everything to do with cities and sustainability. Its prolific output of ideas includes blimps creeping nose-to-tail around cities, with seats hanging off them just above the ground so that people can jump on and off at will.

The company has designed soft cars, so no one is killed in a car accident ever again, and proposed a way of training trees so that they can be grown to form houses – a theoretically zero-carbon technique. It also wants to put houses on to big trucks, and rebuild America's roads so that they are packed with "intelligent renewable infrastructure", into which the mobile houses can be plugged.


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I can't remember the name right now but there is another thing exactly like this basically and it even has it's own documentary. The other city if you will would make it so we would never have to work again since robots would be doing basically all the work.
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