Horse Boy on Google Street View

There are some strange stuff in Google Street View, but this one has an air of mystery: what exactly is that man in Aberdeen, Scotland, doing?

The image was caught as the Google Street View cameras took 360 degree images of ninety five per cent of all the UK's streets.

The strange figure with a horse's head, purple shirt and black jeans can be seen watching the Google camera car drive past as it travelled down Hardgate in Aberdeen.

It was spotted by Aberdeen twitter user Russell Moffat, who told his four hundred and sixty followers about the unlikely passer by. The story was quickly picked up by media around the world.

"It's all gone a bit mental," Mr Moffatt told his followers tonight.

Despite appeals to reveal their identity, no-one has come forward to admit they were the man (or woman) behind the mask.

Link | BBC News - via The Presurfer

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