VJ Day in Honolulu

(vimeo link)

Richard Sullivan posted this lovely color footage from August 14, 1945.
65 Years Ago my Dad shot this film along Kalakaua Ave. in Waikiki capturing spontaneous celebrations that broke out upon first hearing news of the Japanese surrender. Kodachrome 16mm film: God Bless Kodachrome, right?
There is more information about the film in the comments at the vimeo link. -Thanks, Duke!

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We shared this great color film with our viewers on WGN-TV. Wondering if you'd want to do a phone interview with us live on the air August 13th Friday at 6:25am Chicago time.

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Very personal and touching. Many of those guys in uniform would not have been around much longer had Truman not decided to nuke Japan on Aug. 6 and 9, 1945. Thank you for sharing the moment.
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