This Cemetery Will Really Make Your Skin Crawl

If cemeteries in general give you the chills this place is really going to freak you out. Web spinning caterpillars have taken over a cemetery in the United Kingdom. They are believed to be bird cherry tree ermine moths.  These types of caterpillars form communal webs.  They later turn into white moths with black dots.
Nova Bickmore, 69, could not believe the sight when she visited her father's grave.

She said: ‘There were thousand upon thousand of caterpillars and a silk web all over the trees, which had no leaves left.

‘Some of the caterpillars were hanging down from the trees and others were all over the floor.

‘It was a really ghostly scene.’  In their caterpillar stage, the bugs, known as web worms, weave leaves of trees together and eat them from their nests.


(photo: Peter Lawson/ Eastnews Press Agency Ltd)

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Yeah as opposed to my apartment managers when I complained that Phoenix caterpillars were getting into the ducts, and then dropping into my apartment. Sometimes I'd come home and find them bloodied and dying on my linoleum, other times I'd find them on my chest as I awakened, eating away. Creepy indeed! And yes, not the same as these in Essex,ha these are kinda neat.
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