Who Loved the Spirograph?

When I was growing up, one of the best parts about being sick was my mom getting out the special “home-from-school” toys from the closet. My favorite of the bunch was Kenner’s Spirograph. Imagine my horror when I went online to find one for my young son recently, only to learn that they've disappeared! Yes, it's true. You can buy a pale imitation that's flimsy and not nearly as cool, but you can't find the amazing version with all the wild-shaped gears. Well, rather than just complain about it, I decided to start a Neatorama FB page to see if we can't find a bunch of other like-minded people who would love to introduce this great, creative toy to their kids. Guess what? In less than four days, we've already got more than 300 people signed up! So if you haven't already, please add your name to our page and help us Bring Back the Spirograph!

And if you still own one of the original Kenner Spirographs, you can enter an original drawing into this here Sound Feelings Publishing contest where 30 winners will split up $2,000 worth of prizes.

And if you've got drawings you don't feel are contest-worthy, but still want to show them off to the world, you can publish them yourself on our Spirograph Facebook page. Just imagine how amazing it will be if Neatorama helps bring back this really neato toy from the dead! Maybe we'll even wind up selling them in our store one day...

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Is anyone that has an old set willing to sell theirs for a small sum? I recently bought one of those cheep things where it only has to ring and 3 different sized circle gears. I've been looking for different shaped gears like the football/oval one and such but I was hoping for as much of a set as I can get. If so can you post and then we can exchange e-mail addresses. Thanks!
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I was an 80s kid. We got one of these from a garage sale once, and I played with it for a long time. It was cool. But even then it seemed like a previous generation's toy, and it was. Didn't play with it much after that.
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Ahh yer all full o crap. Spirograph was the stupidest goddamn today next to lite brite. It never lasted more than ten or fifteen minutes and were both a pain in the ass to clean up. Lego and girder and panel ftw.
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