The New Jersey design firm Lovegrove & Repucci has created this graffiti-covered dinnerware set in the tradition of the Netherland's Delft-style porcelain. It's called "New York Delft" and in the links, you can can find an Antiques Roadshow spoof featuring the collection. via Make | YouTube Video | Image: Davies & Starr
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Another ripoff of Charlie, but not as shameless as some. But hating graffiti and hiphop culture as he does, I suppose this is fair game. Let's see them hand-paint it instead of using decals.
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pretty sure charles krafft did this first, only not with graffiti
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Instead, this should be called “New Amsterdam Delft” for obvious reasons.
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Gauldar FTW!
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@Gaulder - HA!
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