The Carved Leather of Mark Evans

Mark Evans carves images onto leather with knives. He's deliciously unpretentious about his craft:

Art doesn't get more primal than etching animal skins with a big knife. I don't do 'pseudo intellectual' I make art.

And that's it: no postmodern angst, no childhood issues. Just a guy with a knife and a sheet of leather. At the link, you'll find a gallery of his amazingly-detailed work.

Link via DudeCraft

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i agree with observations that he's full of it for sure. and i'm pretty sure he uses a projector to do this so he's not even a draftsmen. i like the concept of the medium, but that's about it. his subject matter is largely trite popular images. psuedo-art.
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Beautiful work, but his hipster/club kid/simpleton schtick is even worse than "pseudo-intellectualism".

I'd call him a craftsman, since "art" ostensibly has some sort of message, either intended or not. But he's a very capable craftsman. I'm sure the website impressions of him are done for his obviously high-end clientele. Those people love being sold a line to justify their opulent investments.
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hmmm, doesn't do "pseudo intellectual" --- but puts on a stylish pose! and uses the word "irony" in the title of a picture of a bull, carved in leather. I smell "psuedo!"
He poses dressed like a hipster in club-gear, holding a knife that he couldn't use to do work of that scale (leather tools have different blades and handles and are held differently) -- he'd destroy his wrist in less than an hour if he did more than just pose that way.
Nothing to stop him from trying to pull that off, though.
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