Archive for December 30th, 2009

The Carved Leather of Mark Evans

Mark Evans carves images onto leather with knives. He's deliciously unpretentious about his craft: Art doesn't get more primal than etching animal skins with a big knife. I don't do 'pseudo intellectual' I...

11 of the Most Bizarre DUI Stories Ever Told

You don't have to be actually driving a car to be arrested for drunk driving. People have been arrested while operating a horse-and-buggy, a golf cart, or even a couch. In perhaps the most absurd DUI case ever recor...

The Most Useless Machine EVER!

[][YouTube - Link]Some of you may remember the wonderful Leave Me Alone Box. Now you can make your very own, with step-by-step directions from Instructables. Link From the Upcoming ueue, s...

Million-dollar Silver Certificates

Two Germans have been apprehended in Austria after bringing $500 million in counterfeit million-dollar bills to a bank. The Austrian National Analysis Center (NAC) examined the 493 banknotes Hölzen and B. had in their...

Russia Proposes Blowing Up Earthbound Asteroid

The head of Russia's space agency proposed sending up a spacecraft to deflect Apophis, an asteroid that may have 1 in 37 chance of hitting Earth in 2029: "People's lives are at stake. We should pay several hundred...

Could a Conjoined Twin Get Away With Murder?

Law student Nick Kam has written a paper exploring a hypothetical legal scenario: from a set of conjoined twins, one commits a murder. Since justly punishing one requires unjustly punishing the other, would the guilty p...

Star Trek Wetsuits

Whether scuba diving where no man has scuba dived before, or surfing the chilly waves, you'll really stand out in one of these wetsuits offered at Roddenberry for an out-of-this-world price.  I think we all know whi...

Giant Salamanders

(YouTube link) Giant salamanders can grow up to five feet long! Flood control programs in Japan are threatening their spawning grounds, so scientists have developed innovative ways to help the salamanders get upstre...

Can my remote unlock other cars?

Anyone with a remote car lock has wondered at one time or another whether the signal is really one-of-a-kind. What are the chances that your keyless entry could unlock someone else's car? It turns out the odds are pretty...

Map of the World in Which Countries Are Weighted by the Number of Languages They Have Produced

Swedish linguist Mikael Parkvall created this map using the relative size of regions to express how many languages they have produced. Papua New Guinea is quite a linguistic superpower. Aaron Hotfelder explains why...

I, Cthulhu

Author Neil Gaiman contributed a story to Tor called "I, Cthulhu, Or, What's A Tentacle-Faced Thing Like Me Doing In A Sunken City Like This (Latitude 47° 9' S, Longitude 126°43' W)."  As usual, Mr. Gaiman's humor is...

Mexico's Underwater River

Diver Anatoly Beloshchin shot this footage in an underwater cavern at Cenote Angelita, Mexico.  The illusion of a river is most commonly attributed to a layer of hydrogen sulfide. (YouTube Link)mexico, underwater, ca...

Mario + Tetris = Tuper Tario Tros.

What do you get when you cross a pixel-y Italian plumber with some rapidly-falling tetrominoes? Tuper Tario Tros., of course. It's like regular Mario, except you'll encounter some obstacles that you're going to need he...

"Best Job in the World" is No Picnic

Remember how envious you were of the lucky person who got the best job in the world? Ben Southall, who beat 35,000 job applicants to live in a luxury island home in Australia and blog about the Great Barrier Reef was stu...

Personality Socks

Socks for your chairs? Yes, and they make your chair look like any of several stereotypes based on the style of socks. Get them in argyle (male or female colors), sporty, or striped. Your chairs will never get cold f...

Devils Visit for New Year's Eve in Japan

On New Year's Eve, in the cold hinterlands of northern Japan, a pack of hairy scary devils known as Namahage descend from their mountain lairs to terrorize children. They aren't going to eat them though. The Namahage w...

Largest Man Made Crater

The Storax Sedan test {wiki} was a nuclear test conducted in Nevada in 1961. The aim was to explore nuclear bombs for non-military uses, such as mining, but the resulting contamination affected more people than any other...

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