English Words Quiz

Can you name the most commonly used words in the English language? In this quiz, you'll have twelve minutes to name the 100 words most used. I only guessed 68 before time ran out, but I ran into trouble by having a space in front of some words. Be careful! Link -via J-Walk Blog

(image by Flickr user the|G|™)

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hmmm... i may have miscounted, but the number of these words with more than 1 syllable is about 6 in the top 100 and the first one doesn't come until number 45.
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thats a tricky pickle

i got 84

i started imagining girls talking about going to the mall in my head and that helped a lot.

"yeah, we like, went to the mall, and it was like kind of good but then my friend said she wanted to go to some other place like way over on the other side of there so i told her not to but then her boyfriend came and they went anyway"
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