Surprise Homecoming

Fourth-grader Hannah Eschrig got a surprise on the next-to-last day of class at her school: her father, Air Force Master Sgt. Joseph Myers returns early for a surprise homecoming.

Matt Woolbright of My San Antonio has the story:

Myers' reunion with 10-year-old Hannah was his second of the day. He reunited with his 19-month-old daughter, Adison, just before surprising Hannah.

Adison didn't know how to react, burying her face into her mom before uttering, “Hi, Daddy,” and bringing tears to many of the people there.

Hannah's class was interrupted when Bessette announced that some friends would be talking to the class and taking pictures. When everyone was in place, mom and dad walked in.

Hannah's expression and instant tears drove her mother to tears as well as she watched her daughter and husband reunite.

“I was so excited, I couldn't believe it,” Hannah said. “I don't really remember what happened because I was just so happy.” | Watch the heartwarming video (Photo and video by John Davenport /

Update 11/3/09 by Alex - I replaced the unattributed video with the original source over at My San Antonio News - Thanks Michael Knoop!

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Isn't that cute, a child welcomes her "killer" Dad home. You American's sure know how to pull on the heart strings. It makes me want to gag.

How heroic slaughtering and torturing. Soon your own greed will have you killing each other, and the world would chuckle if you were the only ones effected.

Henrietta Burns
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To all the Haters.

You have done nothing to prevent anything and continue to do nothing. You are the problem. And for those of you who would question how many the soldier has killed, how about the number of people killing each other in that/those countries? Enough said on that subject.

A father has returned home to his family. Certainly, the best outcome for this scenario.
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Funny how those who get upset over what they perceive as negativity and stereotyping of the military, are doing yet again the same things themselves. What does being a liberal or political affiliation have to do with support of troops? Ridiculous.
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