Pink Bear Poop

Photo: Bettyboop4 [Flickr]

National Geographic Traveler's Intelligent Travel (and now Neatorama) blogger Marilyn Terrell just came back from a trip to the Yukon Territory in Canada. Naturally, she's got lots of stories about her adventure, the fascinating ecology of the Yukon and so on and so forth.

But since I'm stuck here in the 'burbs, my jealous brain wouldn't allow me to properly process all her stories save this tiny but golden nugget of trivia that will forever be with me till the day I die: Bear poop can be pink.

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Bears are such wondrous creatures! Yes, that bear must have been dining on ripe, juicy berries; the red die in the berries tinted his/her "poop"! Bears can poop green, blue, purple, yellow and pink, depending on the color of the flowers, berries or grass they eat. It's true: Bears DO "poop" rainbows!! I love all bears! Bears and their "poopie" rule!
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