Movie Plot Holes

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Image copyright Warner Bros., used under fair use."][/caption]Or as writer Matt Blum likes to call them, the Top 10 Unanswered Questions in Geeky Movies.   Yes, Wired's Geekdad addresses the glaring computer virus issue in ID4, and the peculiarity of the Death Star emerging from hyperspace on the far side of Yavin.  But some others are worth pondering anew, like the Gremlins paradox:
3. Gremlins: Feeding after midnight - Don’t get them wet; OK, fine. Don’t expose them to sunlight; sure, why not? Don’t feed them after midnight; um, how’s that again? If you can’t feed them “after midnight,” at what point during the day does it cease to be “after midnight” so you can feed them again? For that matter, how does the mogwai know what time zone it’s in? Suppose I get my mogwai in New York and then take a vacation to San Francisco — should I not feed my mogwai after midnight Eastern Time or Pacific Time? And what about Daylight Saving Time? Considering the consequences, these details seem pretty important.

What are some of your favorite "unanswered questions" from otherwise entertaining movies?


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If I had a mogwai, I would wait to feed it at noon, just to be sure I'm safely past the "after midnight" thing. I would give him a big meal at noon, another at 6 pm, and a snack at 9 pm, but I would watch him carefully as he ate it to be sure he didn't squirrel a portion away for later.
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It's hard to not find a movie or a show with a plot hole in it. A lot of times directors just skip past history and try to hope that the dedicated fans either forget or ignore. It's just lazy writing really.

You say batman I saw Vawncast
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