Man Buried in His 1973 Pontiac Catalina

(YouTube Link)

90-year old Lonnie Holloway, of Saluda, South Carolina chose to be buried inside his old Pontiac Catalina. He was entombed with his collection of guns in the passenger seat and next to his wife (who was not in the car). Jerry Garnett writes in The New York Times:

“He said, ‘They’re going to have me with my hat on, driving down the road,’ and I said I’m going to be there. That’s what he wanted. I know that sounds crazy,” Malcom Jones, a friend of Mr. Holloway, told

Hundreds of onlookers turned out for the service this week at Rock Hill Baptist Church.

“This is what Mr. Holloway wanted,” said the pastor who conducted the graveside service. The attendees responded, “Amen.”

Link via Bits & Pieces

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This is probably an article for collection by sociologists, which will help to illustrate the mutually uncomfortable links between Southern Cracker and Southern Black cultures.
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They might have not wanted to mention him being buried with his gun collection. this morbid mind of mine immediately thought of exhuming him while the dirt was fresh and reclaiming it. and i'm a good guy.
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